Unit 3 Individual Assignment for CIS222: Fundamentals of Security
Unit 3 Individual Assignment
Due: Midnight Sunday of Unit 3
After receiving your briefing of the threat analysis, the Executive Board has an increased interest in your security program. The CEO has asked for an overview of your plan for implementing the fixes to the problems. You advise that risk management is a continuous process but offer a briefing on the framework and some of the immediate “fixes” that will be implemented in the initial projects.
Based on your research for Unit 3:
· Explain the overall RMF process to the board and how it will improve security overtime.
· Select the categorization of the corporate network using the Low-Moderate-High impact levels for confidentiality, integrity, and availability and brief that decision to the board.
· Give some examples of planned fixes to improve security for those areas.
· Explain how this effort will require financial and organizational support.
· Explain how the impact levels selected for categorization will aid in resource allocation.
The requirements for your assignment are:
· 1-2 page APA paper excluding title and reference pages
· Provide at least two references and in-text citations in APA format
· College level writing
Students: Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.
Evaluation Rubric for Unit 3 Assignment
0-9 points
10-39 points
40-60 points
Mastery of concepts
The deliverable does not convey the relevant concepts and terminology from the Unit reading.
The deliverable is missing or unclear on some relevant concepts and terminology from the Unit reading.
The deliverable strongly conveys the relevant concepts and terminology from the Unit reading.
0-5 points
6-10 points
11-15 points
Content length
The deliverable was significantly short of the length objectives.
The deliverable was lacking in length.
The deliverable met or exceeded the length objectives
0-5 points
6-10 points
11-15 points
Demonstrated Research
The submission did not meet the research reference and citation objective.
The research references and/or citations were not presented properly or relevant to the assignment.
The deliverable included relevant references and citations that met or exceeded the objectives.
0-1 points
2-4 points
5-10 points
Clear and professional writing and format
Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed.
Few errors that do not impede professional presentation.
Writing and format is clear, professional, and error free.
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