Choose ONE of the following….previous discussion instructions apply
BE THE CLINICIAN: Look into the challenges of those who are LGBTQIA+ in the workplace. Do a google search! Provide some examples of challenges they might face. If you were the clinician/counselor working with a male female or member of LGBTQIA+ what do you think your treatment focus would be on? How would you prepare them for the challenges at work and life?
BE THE EDUCATOR: If you could teach the people affecting your client, what would you want them to know, empathize, with or understand? How could you them behave differently? As a side note, pay attention to how it might influence the way YOU manage, lead, or interact at work AND how you might train a group of employees if you were conducting a psycho-educational training program for a workplace environment -hint hint…this sounds a bit like your final project).
Read an article about one of the topics discussed in the readings. Specifically, focus on the behavior of males and females in the workplace. Briefly explain the findings AND elaborate on whether or not you’ve experienced similar findings in your areas of work. What could you do to make changes? Be specific and provide at least three solutions. (This might be useful information for your final project too).
Discuss the roles of “role incongruity” for men AND women in regarding to working. Make a note about how perceived role-incongruity impacts those non-binary. Provide examples of each and elaborate on the implications and solutions. (good for final project too)
Discuss the various stressors of working for men, women, non-binary. Those stressors may relate to relationships. Be specific; list a few for each. Also, suggest a practical solution to help buffer those stressors.
Provide specific explanations for what sexual harassment is, including key terms such as “hostile environment” and “quid pro pro.” What do you think is the best course for approaching these issues, in general?
Provide specific examples of how we are gender socialized to support negative gender stereotypes, sexism, or harassment, specifically in the workplace. Pay attention to hiring, interviewing, perceptions of child-rearing or care, etc. Be a critical thinker here!
Provide some statistics regarding the amounts of women vs. men vs. transgender in positions of power/leadership and income. You might want to mention minority information as well. What are the implications? Make it relevant to current events.
Briefly tell us what each of the following are and provide an example/illustration: “glass ceiling,” “glass escalator,” and a “glass cliff.” Do we have names for the opposite of each? Elaborate
Courses to use:
Gender Issues in Mental Health
Are the same situations stressful for both men and women? Do both suffer from the same mental health issues?
In this section we will discuss several different mental health issues and diagnoses as they relate to gender.
Depression and Gender
Substance Use and Gender
Anxiety and Gender
Antisocial Personality Disorders and Gender
History of Gender Identity Disorder
Gender Dysphoria
Anti-Trans bias in the DSM
Science of Eating Disorders: Beyond Thinness: Men, Muscularity and Eating Disorders
This page of blog posts features periodic postings on eating disorders. Your instructor will let you know which postings you should read.
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