Assignment4psyc2005.docx – Assignment: – EssaysForYou

Choose  three (3) questions to answer. Each answer should be one typed double-spaced page in length.
Indicate, in full, by question number, the question you are answering. You do not have to copy out the question. Submit your answers in order. Your answer to each question is expected to be about one typed double-spaced page in length. You must use complete sentences and proper grammar. Use a typical font and size (we can tell if you change the margins in order to submit a longer answer!).
Answer questions in your own words using your own examples rather than those of the text. If Canadian data is available, be sure to include it in your answers. References are not required because the only source needed to answer these questions is your text. If you do use outside sources, then you must provide the full citation; you will not improve your mark, however, by using outside references.
1. Prepare advice for new parents on promoting a secure attachment and avoiding stranger anxiety.
2. Suppose that you are a Grade 3 teacher with a class of 8- and 9-year-olds. One of the goals set by your school district is to improve children’s role-taking skills. Explain why such a goal might have been made a part of the “directive” to teachers. Then describe two ways you might go about fostering improvement in role taking.
3. Outline Kohlberg’s cognitive-developmental view of sex-role development, and briefly discuss:
1. basic gender identity
2. gender stability
3. gender consistency
4. Suppose you were given the assignment of developing guidelines for ways that the teachers in the high school where you work could foster more mature moral reasoning in their students. Based on the material you have studied, what suggestions would you offer?
5. Suppose you were asked to give a presentation to a group of parents-to-be who are participating in a prepared-childbirth class. Your topic is “effective parenting” or, put another way, “how to raise an energetic, friendly, cooperative, independent, self-reliant child.” Based on the material presented on various styles of parenting and child behaviour outcomes, what points would you stress to these parents-to-be? Provide a rationale for each of your choices.
6. A work colleague asks for your advice on whether School A or School B is the best choice in which to enroll her son. Using your knowledge of the research evidence that bears on the specific factors that influence school effectiveness, what would you advise?
See the Assignment Schedule for the due date.Submit using the Dropbox.
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