Cognitive psychology-historical origins, theories and current applications . Behaviorism vs. psychodynamic-historical perspectives and current applications · Behaviorism-historical origins, theories and current applications

Week 3 Assignment 2 Annotated Bibliography Template. In this week, you will complete an Annotated Bibliography for a Position Paper related to the history and systems of psychology. First you will need to choose a topic, choose one of the following topic areas as your Position Paper topic.

Acceptable titles (Choose one):
· Cognitive psychology-historical origins, theories and current applications
. Behaviorism vs. psychodynamic-historical perspectives and current applications
· Behaviorism-historical origins, theories and current applications
· Relating Classical Greek philosophies to the current trends and theories in psychology.
· The influence of 17-19th century Western European philosophy’ on current American psychology theories and practice.
· The contrast and comparisons of Western European and American psychology with Eastern (Asian) based psychology
· The origins of modern psychology comparing and contrasting the influence of the major psychological theorists. .
· Humanistic psycho|ogy-historica| origins, theories and current applications