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Due Date: 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, of Unit 1 Points: 100
Overview: A career vision statement helps you visualize yourself in the career you really want—the career that will bring you fulfillment and joy. Your vision is a “picture” of what you aspire to and what inspires you within your work life. For this assignment, you will begin painting the picture of your career vision. Your mental image will be drafted into a career vision statement. Career vision statements are very powerful and meaningful when paired with career exploration. Creating a vision statement may take several attempts and rewrites until you identify with your career vision statement.
Instructions: As you begin the career exploration process and answer the question “Who Am I?”. start thinking about your personal and career vision. What accomplishments do you wish to achieve in your personal and professional life? Respond to the questions below, and then reflect on your responses to develop your career vision statement.
• What will your ideal career look like?
• What kind of work is meaningful to you?
• What level of responsibility do you desire?
• What type of work environment will energize you and give you a sense of
• Be sure to answer all questions clearly and thoroughly.
• Provide excellent explanations using appropriate examples.
• Include concepts learned in the unit material.
• Be sure your writing and format are clear, professional, and error-free.
Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.
CTC301 – Professional Success Seminar
Unit 1 Assignment: Create a Career Vision Statement
Copyright 2022 Post University, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Evaluation Rubric for Create a Career Vision Statement Assignment
CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement Proficient
(0–17 Points) (18–29 Points) (30 Points)
Clarity and Structure
Assignment questions are not addressed/minimally addressed or are incorrect; explanations are hard to follow.
Assignment questions are partially addressed; some sections may be off-topic.
Assignment questions are addressed clearly and thoroughly throughout.
(0–17 Points) (18–29 Points) (30 Points)
Details and Examples Used
None provided, or minimal details explored and/or examples used.
A few layers of details and examples used, though some details may be missing or lacking.
Writing explores multiple layers of details; provided excellent explanations using appropriate examples.
(0-17 Points) (18-29 Points) (30 Points)
Evidence of Critical Thinking
Lacking critical thinking; analysis contains obvious responses to questions; little thought evident.
Some critical thinking evident but may not directly address the key concepts; analysis shows partial contextualizing of unit material.
Clear evidence of critical thinking; analysis addresses key concepts and exhibits originality and successful contextualizing of the unit material.
(0–5 Points) (6–9 Points) (10 Points)
Clear and Professional
Errors impede professional presentation.
Few errors contained that do not impede professional presentation.
Writing and format are clear, professional, and error-free.
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