Criminal Justice Statistics
Based on the frequency table for the variable parnt2, derive the following with just the output:
Mean |
Median |
Modal |
Now, for each of these points, write a sentence interpreting the value you receive in a way that a layperson would understand.
Mean |
Median |
Modal |
Of these three measures of central tendency, which do you think is most appropriate for describing this distribution, and why? Be sure to consider whether skewness or outliers are a problem in your decision.
Pick 1 measure of central tendency for each variable. Explain why you prefer this measure for this variable. Then write a sentence interpreting the measure.
v77 |
Measure |
Why |
Interpretation |
v79 |
Measure |
Why |
Interpretation |
certain |
Measure |
Why |
Interpretation |
Gender |
Measure |
Why |
Interpretation |
Determine the most appropriate measure of central tendency for the variable Delinquency and calculate that measure.
Measure |
Calculation |