Evolution of Nursing Theories – Course Researchers – EssaysForYou

Evolution of Nursing Theories
Nursing theories have evolved over time as the field of nursing has grown and changed. Early nursing theories focused on the role of the nurse as a caregiver and the importance of the nurse-patient relationship. Nursing practice was mainly associated with females. Later theories expanded to include a greater emphasis on patient outcomes, nursing interventions, and the impact of the environment on health.
In the mid-20th century, theorists such as Florence Nightingale and Hildegard Peplau developed the concepts of nursing as a distinct profession and the importance of a holistic approach to patient care. Florence Nightingale was instrumental in establishing the foundation of recognizing nursing as a profession.  During this time, nursing also became more focused on evidence-based practices, leading to the development of theories such as Roy’s Adaptation Model and Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory.In recent years, there has been an increased focus on patient-centered care and the impact of social, cultural, and political factors on health. Contemporary nursing theories reflect these developments and focus on empowering patients, promoting health equity, and addressing social determinants of health. Examples of these theories include Benner’s Novice to Expert Theory and Watson’s Theory of Human Caring.
The evolution of nursing theories reflects the ongoing development of nursing as a profession and a discipline, with a focus on providing patient-centered, holistic, and evidence-based care.