FinalRubric.pdf – EssaysForYou

Undergraduate Pathways ENG1105
ESSAY EXAM RUBRIC QUESTION #____ Name:______________________
CONTENT “A” PAPER “B” PAPER “C” PAPER “D/F” PAPER Addressing Type of Essay Question
Accurately identifies the essay terms being used in the question; designs answer that specifically addresses the question; precisely and lucidly discusses the subject under the terms for examination
Definite recognition the essay terms being used in the question; designs an answer which addresses the terms; correctly discusses the subject under the terms for examination
Identification of the essay terms being used is questionable; answer structure somewhat addresses the question by referencing the subject under the terms for examination
Identification of essay terms being used is not evident; structure of answer does not indicate understanding of how terms should be addressed; subject of question is not examined according to essay terms
Focus of Answer Every part of the question is correctly and thoroughly appealed to in the answer. Writer gives only insightful, precise examples without adding irrelevant or distracting info
Most elements of the question are correctly appealed to in the answer. Writer attempts to use only applicable examples to develop answer; reader is not distracted by irrelevant detail.
Some of the question is appealed to, though other pieces are not addressed with examples or accuracy. Writer may use some irrelevant or poorly chosen details to support the answer.
Question seems to be either misunderstood and/or significant elements of the question are not appealed to. Writer chooses weak or irrelevant details that distract from the overall ability to answer the question.
Support for Assertion of Judgment
Develops and supports judgment masterfully through relevant, effective examples and sound logic; does not simply assert something is true, but proves the point being made
Develops and supports judgment through effective, relevant details, examples and sound logic; makes assertion of judgment and makes solid attempts to prove opinion
Supports judgment through some examples; one or two instances of faulty logic; asserts judgment but only partially proves opinion as written
Weak development and support: lacks reasons, or contains irrelevant, ineffective examples; logic is generally faulty; assertion of judgment and attempts to prove are inaccurate and/or unconvincing
WRITING “A” PAPER “B” PAPER “C” PAPER “D/F” PAPER Style Writing is superior to collegiate-
level in content, arrangement and style, showing rich variety and elegance in its sentence structures and word choices
Writing is more than merely adequate for collegiate-level work, showing some variety and elegance in its sentence structures and word choices
Writing is adequate for the collegiate level but shows little variety and elegance in its sentence structure and word choices
Writing is not adequate for the collegiate level; no variety or elegance in its sentence structure; word choice is generally bland and cliché
Organization Unified and consistent pattern of organization with an apt introduction, graceful transitions and a vigorous conclusion
Unified pattern of organization with an introduction, transitions and conclusion
Displays a pattern of organization with a distinguishable beginning, middle and end
Lacks a distinguishable sense of order to the content: no beginning, middle or end discernable
Unity/Coherence Entire essay demonstrates coherence and unity; essay has a controlling and sustained sense of purpose & an exceptionally mature level of though
Entire essay demonstrates coherence and unity; has a controlling sense of purpose and mature level of thought for the most part
With only a few exceptions, essay demonstrates unity and coherence; has some sense of controlling purpose
Overall essay lacks unity and coherence between sections; purpose of essay is nearly or completely indistinguishable; lacks maturity of thought
Mechanics Essay averages 1 error or fewer per page in usage and punctuation rules covered thus far in the course (including spelling)
Essay averages 2 errors per page in usage and punctuation rules covered thus far in the course (including spelling)
Essay averages 3 errors per page in usage and punctuation rules covered thus far in the course (including spelling)
Essay averages 4 or more errors per page in usage and punctuation rules covered thus far in the course (including spelling)

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