According to the :
Effective teachers plan and prepare for lessons using their extensive knowledge of the content area, the relationships among different strands within the content and between the subject and other disciplines, and their students’ prior understanding of the subject. Instructional outcomes are clear, represent important learning in the subject, and are aligned to the curriculum. The instructional design includes learning activities that are well sequenced and require all students to think, problem solve, inquire, and defend conjectures and opinions. Effective teachers design formative assessments to monitor learning, and they provide the information needed to differentiate instruction. Measures of student learning align with the curriculum, enabling students to demonstrate their understanding in more than one way.
1. Access and Review the
2. Watch the 2 videos by Grant Wiggins and take notes about how to engage in plan instructional units.
3. Read the Wiggins & McTighe White Paper
4. Access the sample Math Links to an external site.or Curriculum, scroll to and the grade level that corresponds with your area of certification.
5. Download sample curriculum document by your select grade level (eg. if you are in Early Childhood program, you may download the first grade curriculum).
6. Review the Curriculum carefully paying close attention to the standards and unit plan section and answer the following questions:
1. State the grade level and provide the weblink to the unit you selected.
2. What is the projected length of the unit you selected?
3. How many lessons are within the unit you selected?
4. What content standards does the unit address?
5. How does each lesson align to the overarching desired outcomes?
6. How do the planned assessments align to the desired outcomes
7. Taking into account the Danielson Framework for teaching and what you have learned about Understanding by Design, explain in between 50-75 words why unit planning an important element in the teaching and learning process?
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
1 pts
Ideas are presented logically and supported by clear, detailed information throughout the essay.
0 pts
Ideas are unclearly expressed And/or lack logical sequence.
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWord Choice
1 pts
Words and/or phrases are selected accurately and appropriately to express the purpose of the essay.
0 pts
The words and phrases selected are confusing And/or impede understanding the purpose of the essay, And/or vocabulary is limited.
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAcademic Style
1 pts
Language is appropriate for academic writing and is free of contractions, colloquialisms, clichés, personal pronouns and social media terminology.
0 pts
Conversational language such as contractions, colloquialisms, clichés, personal pronouns or social media terminology is used in the essay.
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence Structure with Transitional Words and Phrases
1 pts
Sentences are well constructed and contain the proper arrangement of words to convey meaning. And, Transitional words are used appropriately and effectively.
0 pts
Sentences are awkward or repetitious or run-ons or fragments, which interfere with understanding the meaning of the essay. And, Transitional words are occasionally missing or used inappropriately.
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParagraph Structure with Transitional Words and Phrases
1 pts
Paragraphs are well constructed and contain the proper arrangement of sentences to convey meaning. And, Transitional words are used appropriately and effectively to connect ideas from paragraph to paragraph in a logical sequence.
0 pts
Paragraphs lack development and /or continuity.
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRules of Grammar
1 pts
Essay is free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors that interfere with understanding.
0 pts
Essay contains grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors that make it difficult to understand.
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Citations and References
1 pts
APA style for in-text citations is used consistently without error. And, All corresponding citations are referenced in alphabetical order using APA formatting without error.
0 pts
APA style for in-text citations is used consistently without error. And, References contain errors in APA formatting.
1 pts
Total Points: 7
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