Dear Prospective Interview Participant,
I am a doctoral student at Walden University, and I am conducting a research study as a part of my doctoral degree requirements. My study is titled “African American Male Juvenile Rehabilitation versus Incarceration Punishment.” This is an email of invitation to participate in this research study. The purpose of my study is to show the difference between juvenile rehabilitation and jail punishment among African American male juvenile criminals. Your participation will contribute to the current literature on this topic.
To protect your privacy, the published study would use fake names.
The interview will last no more than 30 minutes if that. Your participation will contribute to the current literature on my study. No compensation will be offered for your participation.
If you would like to know more about this study, please send an email to me at . If you are interested in participating, please read the attached consent form that contains more information about the study.
Volunteers must meet these requirements:
· 18 years old or older.
· Licensed Mental Health Professional (QMHP) OR a Licensed Social Workers.
· These individuals must have a history of working with African American Male Juveniles.
Please respond to this email to let me know of your interest.
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