LDR/535 Wk 5 Apply: Positive Organizational Change – EssaysForYou

LDR/535 Wk 5 Apply: Positive Organizational Change

To prepare for the Week 6 Assessment, choose a well-known corporation, such as Samsung, Starbucks, Ford Motor Company, or Waste Management, that implemented a major change. Analyze the corporation’s change process based on Kotter’s 8-Step to Change using the Organizational Change Chart.

Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model

  • Step One: Create Urgency.
  • Step Two: Form a Powerful Coalition.
  • Step Three: Create a Vision for Change.
  • Step Four: Communicate the Vision.
  • Step Five: Remove Obstacles.
  • Step Six: Create Short-Term Wins.
  • Step Seven: Build on the Change.
  • Step Eight: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture.

Was this a positive organizational change? Why or why not? If so, what strategies and tactics were effective or ineffective in creating positive organizational change? What strategies and tactics would have worked better?

Brent Smith—Faculty note: Use Kotter’s 8 Step Organizational Change Model (this is the Excel form provided in the link above. If you have trouble downloading it, let me know) to analyze your chosen company. It must be a well-known company as the instructions indicate. Be sure to indicate clearly which company you are working with and what specific change you are analyzing.  If you do not have a specific change in mind, you cannot complete this assignment successfully. You can complete the entire assignment using the worksheet. No need for any other document.

Fill in the left-hand column with the indicated information (mission, vision, values, etc.) and use the right-hand column for additional notes on how the process could have been improved for both top and bottom sections of the chart. This is the same approach you were instructed to follow in week three.


One of the most important boxes is the Goal box. What is the goal of the organizational change? This is not the overall goal of the company—only the goal of the change you are analyzing.


Answer the questions in the instructions as given at the bottom of the instructions.