Module 7 – Self-Evaluation Paper – EssaysForYou

Please write a 4- to 5-page paper (more than five pages is okay, less than four is not enough) that addresses the following questions.  As you begin to think about answering them recall your learning from the readings, discussions, your own writing, and your class participation process.  You may refer to your Weekly Self-Evaluation and Feedback assignments, but the writing in the paper will be original writing and not a copy and paste of what you wrote in those assignments, in the threads, and/or other papers.  (Note: You addressed SLO1 in your Theory Paper):
What have you learned about yourself this term?  (SLO2-Self)What have you learned from your classmates and about others (interpersonal/intercultural communication)? (SLO3-Others)What are three of the most important ways you have connected and applied the course topics to your personal and professional life? (SLO4-Praxis)What are three changes that need to happen for you to have more effective and empowered communication in your life from this point of having completed the course work, and what do you commit to, in order to make the changes?  In other words, “Now what?” in terms of continued growth and change. (SLO5-Growth/Change)
Readings :
Messages: The Communication Skills Books Third EDITION MCKAY
Asking the Right Questions –
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