Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University
Business Skills 1 (BUS 161) Personal Development Plan
Due Date Week 6 (12/1/2023)
Type Individual assignment
Weight This assignment is worth 5% of your total grade
Length NA
Format Word doc, Times New Roman, font size 12 and a line spacing of 1.5, Saved and submitted in PDF format.
Each student is required to write her Personal Development Plan centered on short-term or long-term development. Fill in the following schedule. Write 1 competency to be developed in the short-term or in the long-term. Make sure everything is specific, clear, and complete.
Time Scale Proposed
Development Action(s)
Rationale Competency to be developed
Specific number of months
Total hours:
– Definition with citation (using indirect or external voice)
– Personal experience
– Academic goal
Competency name (selected from slide 9)
Select if it is: Short-Term Development Or Long-Term Development
Important Notes: 1. You can select either a course in Arabic or English for the proposed action. However, you
are ONLY allowed to use English sources (including websites) for the competency definition in the rationale section.
2. You must paraphrase the competency definition in the rational part. You are NOT allowed to quote directly from the original source.
3. You are allowed to use either the indirect voice or external voice, when providing the definition of the competency.
4. You need to include both the in-text citation and the REFERENCE of the competency definition.
5. You will be working on developing this competency in your reflection.
Guidelines: – Font Type: Time New Roman. – Font Size: 12 – Consider the following: coherence and relevance of ideas and style, grammatical
accuracy, appropriate words, and spelling. – Include a cover page that contains your name – student ID – section # – instructor name –
assignment name – submission date. – Combine the PDP with the Reflection and save them in one PDF file. – Name the file with your full name.
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