PersonalFitnessGrowthPortfolioReflection.docx – Assignment: – EssaysForYou

Personal Growth Portfolio Reflection

This assignment is the culmination of all the positive changes you have made over the course of the term. We began by targeting unhealthy behaviors in order to elicit better choices. We then created plans to become more physically fit through healthy diet and exercise. By increasing our knowledge / self-awareness and stress management, we became more resilient. We ended by exploring how community service can make us feel more positive about ourselves and our surroundings.
· Please reflect on the steps you have taken and share the changes you have made and how you feel about them.
· Attach your workout log to show progression at week 1, week 3, and week 4.

What are your strengths and weaknesses now?

Have you achieved your physical fitness goals, what’s next and how do you feel?

How have your eating patterns improved, what’s the next goal and how do you feel?

What new stress management techniques did you add? Have they helped? How do you feel about future?
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