Title Online Pharmacy Management System (OPMS) Section A: Program Specification You are required to develop OPMS which will be used by “OCEAN Sdn Bhd” a Malaysian leading company to manage pharmacy functionalities. Due to covid pendamic government decided to go for lockdown in country due to which all peoples are restricted to come out of their house. In this situation it become difficult for customers to purchase mediciens also. So, OCEAN decided to develop OPMS. A good System allows you to effectively manage all transactions of customers easily. Functionality of OPMS There are 3 users for this system, 1. Admin 2. New Customer 3. Registered Customer. The following characteristics are important to be included in your system: Admin 1. Can login to access system. 2. Can upload Medicine detail in system. (Medicine name, exp date, price, specification, etc…) 3. Can view all uploaded Medicines. 4. Can update/modify Medicine information if required. 5. Can delete Medicine information. 6. Can search specific Medicine detail. 7. Can view all orders of customers. 8. Can search order of specific customer. 9. Exit New Customer 1. Can view Medicine detail. 2. Can do registration by providing their detail like Name, Address, Email ID, Contact Number, Gender, Date_Of_Birth, User ID, Password, Rewrite Password, etc… 3. Exit Registered Customer 1. Can login to the system. 2. View all Medicines detail. 3. Place order of medicines and do payment. 4. Can view own order. 5. Can view personal information. 6. Exit The application has to be developed using python programming language. Data may be stored in lists, files, etc. 2.0 REQUIREMENTS i. You are required to carry out extra research for your system and document any logical assumptions you made after the research. ii. Your program should use symbolic constants where appropriate. Validations need to be included to ensure the accuracy of the system. State any assumptions that you make under each function. iii. You are required to store all data in text files. There is no limit on the number of text files that can be used but they should be kept minimum. iv. You are expected to use list and functions in your program. Your program must. embrace modular programming technique and should be menu-driven. V. You may include any extra features which you may feel relevant and that add valuc to the system. vi. There should be no need for graphics in your program, as what is being assessed, is your programming skill not the interface design. The marking scheme for the assignment has been provided so that you clearly know how the assessment for this assignment would be done.