Each posting should be approximately 200 words. Relate your answer to the course content. Answers which have no reference to topics covered in the module will not receive marks.
3.1 First Impressions (Discussion Forum)
We form a first impression every time we meet someone new. Sometimes our first impression is negative, “he’s loud and obnoxious” or “she’s a know-it-all.” Often we avoid interacting again with people who have made a negative first impression on us. When we do encounter these people again, we tend to expect more of the same and try to avoid the interaction but sometimes we can’t. Can you think of someone who made a negative first impression on you but who you later learned to like? What happened to bring about that change?
(If you post your response to this question, please change the person’s name and any identifying information. The purpose of this exercise is for you to identify your own biases, and explain impression formation not to embarrass anyone. If you are not respectful you will not earn points.)
example of other ppl’s work DO NOT COPY
As someone who is fully aware of my fairly low self-esteem and have been working on self recognition for the last 11 years, I can now recognize my mistakes in the past that were brought on by it. I tended to more attracted to social relationships with those who I thought were not doing as well in life as I was, avoiding other. I obviously was exhibiting social comparison jealousy at this point of my life. It was really overwhelming, toxic treat for me. In saying this I have a little story to tell to demonstrate the power it had over my self worth and behavior towards others. When I first started dating my husband I was introduced to his family and friends and was fairly well liked. As someone who had very low self esteem this kind of attention I received I relished. About a year in my husbands best friend brought his girlfriend around; she was this beautiful, well spoken, good hearted woman. She I’s someone who just radiates confidence and truly someone people gravitate to. Obvious my ego was threatened and due to my low self-esteem, I automatically disliked her thinking she was “cocky”, “too chatty”, “arrogant”. I believe I even said she was “too perfect it’s annoying”. At this time I lived in a very abusive home that fostered low self-esteem, once I moved out on my own and started to study about psychology, self regulation and self love, my self esteem/self worth improved. I then began to see this woman not as a threat but as someone I admired. We are now best friends who share a mutual fondness and admiration for the last decade.
“Social perception is a general term for the processes by which people come to understand one another” (Kassin et al., 2013). 3 years ago when I moved to Canada from South Africa, I had a different view of people I met in Canada, I assumed that most people here are not so friendly compared to people in South Africa. But as I started to make friends with people here, I realized I was wrong. A specific situation where I formed a bias perception was when one of my South African friends introduced me to her Canadian friend, Shazia (not her real name). At first I had an impression that Shazia was not really a friendly person or I thought that she was always upset about something because she rarely smiled, as nonverbal behaviour is defined in the textbook as a “behaviour that reveals a person’s feelings without words, through facial expressions, body language, and vocal cues” (Kassin et al., 2013). But after I started to hang out more with Shazia, I realized that I had judged her. She was actually a very friendly person, she was just a little conscious around new people and that is why she appeared unfriendly to me. Ultimately I learned a lesson to never judge anyone without knowing the person.
Kassin, S., Fein, S., Markus, H. R., & Burke, T. M. (2013). Social psychology (2nd ed.). Nelson Education.
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