Public Health Prevention Assignment- Worksheet (use this as a format for your outline/worksheet) Part 2 of the Public Health Prevention

Public Health Prevention Assignment- Worksheet (use this as a format for your outline/worksheet)
Part 2 of the Public Health Prevention Assignment
Step 2 : Identify Risk and Protective Factors
5) Answer the following questions using the PICO worksheet to help guide you in finding data and research to your PH issue.
6) Resources: Include 3-5 resources (required) for steps 2-5 – NO Wikipedia or simple Google searched info. You must use correct citations. You can use the same resources as in Step 1. If new add in chart.
What are the risk factors for the problem?
(identify at least one source for each answer)
What are the protective factors for the problem? (Do not list health problems resulting from the issue)
(identify at least one source for each answer)

Step 3 Develop and Test Prevention Strategies (you do not need to invent new strategies- you may have uncovered existing interventions that help prevent your PH concern- list what you have found
7) Answer the following questions
Are there existing, effective strategies based on best available evidence?
If none exist, what resources do I need to develop a new strategy based on what was learned in steps one and two?
(identify at least one resource for each answer)
List specific interventions and strategies that you believe (based on your collected data) will be effective in reducing or preventing: (type in topic here)
(identify at least one source for each answer)

Step 4 and 5: Implement interventions to improve the health of the population & Monitor the interventions to assess their effectiveness.
8) Answer these questions:
Who would benefit from this strategy (parents, educators, policy makers, etc.)?
How do I get this strategy to the people who need it?
Where can I find assistance and support for implementing an effective strategy and on-going monitoring and evaluation of the strategy? (HINT: look for associations or .org groups)
How can PH officials monitor and assure that interventions are being used and are working?