Evidence-Based Practice
· Hande, K., Williams, C. T., Robbins, H. M., & Christenbery, T. (2017). The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 13(1), e17–e22.
. Abstract: Evidence-based practice (EBP) competencies represent essential components of nursing education at all levels. The transition of EBP learning goals from the baccalaureate to the Master of Science in nursing and Doctor of Nursing Practice levels provides a blueprint for the development and advancement of student knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The purpose of this article is to describe 3 nursing curricula related to EBP competencies at the baccalaureate, master’s, and Doctor of Nursing Practice levels (Hande, Williams, Robbins, & Christenbery, 2017).
· Sukkarieh-Haraty, O., & Hoffart, N. (2017). International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 14(1), 441–442.
. Abstract: Evidence-based practice (EBP) is defined as “the conscientious use of current best evidence in making clinical decisions about patient care.” This paper describes how we have developed the evidence-based practice concept and integrated it into two courses at two different levels of the BSN curriculum. Students apply EBP knowledge and process by using the PICO clinical question (Population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome), whereby they observe a selected clinical skill, and then compare their observations to hospital protocol and against the latest evidence-based practice guidelines. The assignment for the second course requires students to pick a more complex clinical skill and to support proposed changes in practice with scholarly literature. Assessment of student learning and course evaluation has shown that the overall experience of integrating EBP projects into the curriculum is fruitful for students, clinical agencies, and faculty (Sukkarieh-Haraty & Hoffart, 2017).
· Rahmayanti, E. I., Kadar, K. S., & Saleh, A. (2020). International Journal of Caring Sciences, 13(2), 1203–1211.
. This article provides methods for identifying the readiness, barriers, and potential strengths of implementing evidence-based practice.
· Lee, S. K. (2016). Evidence-Based Medicine, 21(6), 231.
. This journal article provides a framework for identifying and appraising research, as well as implementing change and practices based on research.
Quality and Safety
· Ambutas, S., Lamb, K. V., & Quigley, P. (2017). . Medsurg Nursing, 26(3), 175–179, 197.
. The implementation of a safety improvement project is examined in this article.
· Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d.). . http://www.ihi.org/education/IHIOpenSchool/resources/Pages/Activities/Bates-Reducing-Harm-Important-To-Patient-Safety.aspx
. Based on the premise that human error may be reduced but not avoided in every health care situation, this video focuses on the importance of harm reduction to patient safety.
· The Joint Commission. (2018). . https://www.jointcommission.org/standards_information/npsgs.aspx
. The patient safety resources on this Web page may be helpful as you develop the improvement plan section of your assessment.
· Mills, E. (2016). . AORN Journal, 103(6), 636–639.
. This article summarizes the creation of a safety program to reduce sentinel events.
· . (n.d.). https://www.hhs.gov/
. Explore numerous resources related to quality and safety on this website as you develop your assessment submission.
Root-Cause Analysis
· Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d.). . http://www.ihi.org/education/IHIOpenSchool/resources/Pages/AudioandVideo/Whiteboard16.aspx
. Cause and effect (or fishbone) diagrams are often used in root-cause analyses; this video shows how to create them.
· Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d.). . http://www.ihi.org/resources/Pages/Tools/IntrotoTriggerToolsforIdentifyingAEs.aspx
. Tools to identify adverse events and determine their causes are provided on this resource page.
· Galatzan, B. J. (2019). http://library.capella.edu/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.proquest.com%2Fdocview%2F2336369734%3Faccountid%3D27965
. Abstract: An estimated 250,000 deaths occur annually are attributed to preventable medical errors. Approximately 100,000 of those deaths are related to miscommunication between healthcare providers. Miscommunication between healthcare providers during the transfer of care accounts for 80% of sentinel events occurring in the hospital setting. The hand-off communication continues to be one of the primary causes of sentinel events in healthcare in spite of the continued research focus over the past 10 years. The transfer of care communication between providers is called the “hand-off,” “change of shift report,” or “handover.” The hand-off for purposes of this study is defined as the process of transferring patient care, responsibility, and authority from one nurse to another at the change of shift. Specifically, we are concerned about the communication of clinical events (CE) experienced by the patient because CEs are precursors to a sentinel event. A CE is defined as a change in the patient’s condition in the following areas: bleeding, pain, fever, and changes in output, respiratory status, or level of consciousness (Galatzan, 2019).
· Minnesota Department of Health. (n.d.). . https://www.health.state.mn.us/facilities/patientsafety/adverseevents/toolkit/
. The Minnesota Department of Health offers an extensive collection of resources related to root-cause analysis.
· The Joint Commission. (n.d.). . http://www.jointcommission.org/Framework_for_Conducting_a_Root_Cause_Analysis_and_Action_Plan/
. With resources for conducting a root-cause analysis and creating an action plan to address the results, this Web page will help you understand the steps and processes of RCAs and improvement plans for this assessment.
Safety and Sentinel Event Case Studies
· Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d.). . http://www.ihi.org/education/IHIOpenSchool/resources/Pages/Activities/AHRQCaseStudyOneDoseFiftyPills.aspx
· Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d.). . http://www.ihi.org/education/IHIOpenSchool/resources/Pages/Activities/WhatHappenedtoJosieKing.aspx
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