(with video)
· (summarizing)
As you write, you are sharing your opinion, but you also need to support the ideas in your writing with evidence. Think about an argument you’ve had with a friend or family member—nothing major, just a disagreement over something, such as who is the greatest professional baseball player, or which movie is the best, or even which is the best taco shop. Arguments like this are largely opinion, but you can use evidence to support the argument for one side or another.
You should first create your argument (or as much of it as you can) and then share the evidence you find in places that support the points you are making.
STEP ONE: Supporting Your Thesis Statement
Here’s an example using the topic from the Week 1 Research Notebook to show how you get started integrating your research into your writing:
Article Title:
Online, Blended and Technology-Enhanced Learning: Tools to Facilitate Community College Student Success in the Digitally-Driven Workplace.
Thesis Statement:
A significant benefit of distance education is the preparation needed to work online developed skills students will need in the workplace.
So, take a look at the article you chose to write about and the thesis statement you have created for your outline. Use these to fill in the sections below:
Article Title
This is the article you used in for your Week 2 Assignment.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Thesis Statement
This might change as you write and that’s ok, you just need something to help keep your essay focused.
Click or tap here to enter text.
STEP TWO: Finding Evidence
You have the opportunity to use this article as one of your sources for your Week 5 Final Paper, so it’s worth taking a look at to see what evidence is in there. Here’s an example:
Source 1: (List source here) Levy, D. (2017). Online, blended and technology-enhanced learning: Tools to facilitate community college student success in the digitally-driven workplace. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 10(4), 255–262.
Quote 1
Quote with (author, year, page #) citation
“Therefore, instructors must be cognizant to continually relate the benefits of working online to a student’s professional aspirations” (Levy, 2017, p.260).
Why is this quote helpful to the essay?
My essay is about how going to school online is beneficial to a student not just for the education but also for their professional career afterward. This quote shares that teachers need to help make students aware of the opportunities to connect class work to professional work.
So now, pull up any notes you took on the article, any highlighting or margin notes, or anything you jotted down on paper or in a computer document. Take some time to reflect: Does anything in this article seem like it would be useful in your final essay? What parts relate to the topic you are discussing? List a couple quotes from the article to get you started – you don’t have to use these quotes in your essay, it’s just to get you started.
Source 1 (from your Week 2 Assignment):
Quote 1
Quote with (author, year, page #) citation
Click or tap here to enter text.
Why is this quote helpful to my essay?
Click or tap here to enter text.
Quote with (author, year, page #) citation
Click or tap here to enter text.
Why is this quote helpful to my essay?
Click or tap here to enter text.
The information you’ve filled out here can be used in your essay—you’ve just written part of your essay here! Now look ahead to the Week 5 Assignment. As you read other sources to add, use the tables below to collect your evidence:
STEP THREE: Rinse and Repeat
Quote with (author, year, page #) citation
Click or tap here to enter text.
Why is this quote helpful to my essay?
Click or tap here to enter text.
Quote with (author, year, page #) citation
Click or tap here to enter text.
Why is this quote helpful to my essay?
Click or tap here to enter text.
Quote with (author, year, page #) citation
Click or tap here to enter text.
Why is this quote helpful to my essay?
Click or tap here to enter text.
Quote with (author, year, page #) citation
Click or tap here to enter text.
Why is this quote helpful to my essay?
Click or tap here to enter text.
Keep in mind that you will probably do more research than you will use in your writing and that’s ok. It’s all part of the process.
ENG122 Week 4 Research Notebook
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