Case Study: Ethics in Management
Business Ethics and Organization Social Responsibility (MGT 422)
Learning Outcomes:
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Illustrate the role of social responsibility in the functional areas and strategic processes of business and a comprehensive framework for analyzing and resolving ethical issues and dilemmas in an organization.
Write coherent project about a case study or actual research about ethics
The content is available for free download in knowledge resource from the SEU homepage:
Read chapter 16 “Ethics in Management: Ethical Leadership and Culture” page 299-309 Source Title: Handbook of Research on Sustainable Supply Chain Management for the Global Economy Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 11
ISBN13: 9781799846017|ISBN10: 1799846016|EISBN13: 9781799846024 DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4601-7.ch016 available in SDL and answer the following questions:1. Write a summary on the different perspective the author speaks about management of ethics mentioned in the article with references. (500 words-5 Marks)
2. Discuss Kohlberg’s moral motives of management as explained by the article with proper references. (500 words-5 Marks)
3. Elaborate how the author connects leadership and culture with management of ethics with proper references. (500 words-5 Marks)