Crime Sociological Theories Essay
Sociological theories of crime attempt to explain why crime occurs and why certain individuals or groups are more likely to engage in criminal behavior. These theories are based on the idea that crime is not just a product of individual choices, but rather is shaped by larger social and structural factors.
One of the most well-known sociological theories of crime is social disorganization theory. This theory argues that crime is more likely to occur in neighborhoods that lack social cohesion and have high levels of poverty and inadequate social services. According to this theory, these neighborhoods are characterized by weak social institutions and a lack of informal social control mechanisms, such as community organizations and religious institutions. These factors make it more difficult for residents to monitor and regulate the behavior of others in their community, making it more likely that crime will occur.Another important theory is the strain theory. This theory argues that crime occurs when people experience strain or pressure to achieve societal goals, such as the American Dream, and they don’t have legitimate ways to achieve them. According to this theory, people who face barriers to achieving these goals, such as poverty, lack of education, and discrimination, may turn to criminal behavior as a way to achieve them, which is called as the Innovation strategy.
A related theory is the cultural deviance theory, which argues that some subcultures within society may have different norms and values that lead to an increased acceptance of criminal behavior. This theory argues that people from these subcultures are more likely to engage in criminal behavior because they have learned to view it as normal and acceptable within their community.
A more recent theory is the institutional anomie theory. This theory argue that crime is a result of the mismatch between the goals and means that are instilled in people by societal institutions such as family, education, and religion. Institutional anomie theory suggest that when institutions fail to instill the value of hard work and perseverance, people instead turn to criminal activities as a means to achieve success.While these theories offer different explanations for why crime occurs, they all share the belief that crime is shaped by larger social and structural factors, rather than simply being a product of individual choices. Understanding these theories can provide valuable insights into the complex causes of crime and help inform policies and programs aimed at reducing crime and promoting safer communities.
As previously stated, there are many other theories not mentioned in this sample essay, but these are some of the most well-known and widely studied theories of crime. Additionally, it’s worth noticing that the theories are not mutually exclusive and can be used together to have a more holistic view of crime