Nursing Theories and their Applications – EssaysForYou

Nursing Theories and their Applications
Nursing Theories Classification
Nursing theories can be classified into various categories, including:
Needs theories: focus on the basic needs of individuals and their response to illness.
Grand theories: comprehensive frameworks that address the overall nature of nursing and health.
Middle-range theories: more specific than grand theories and provide a bridge between grand theories and nursing practice.
Practice theories: specific to nursing practice and guide the delivery of nursing care.
Conceptual models: depict the relationships between concepts and provide a structure for nursing practice and research.
Situational theories: describe how individuals respond to specific situations and provide guidance for nursing practice in specific circumstances.
Each of these categories provides a unique perspective on the nature of nursing and health, and helps guide the development of nursing practices and research.Nursing Theories Classifications and their Applications 
Needs theories:

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory categorizes human needs into five levels, including physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization needs.
Dorothy Orem’s Self-Care Deficit theory emphasizes the importance of individuals taking responsibility for their own health and well-being.


The theories can be applied to guide the assessment of patients’ needs, prioritize interventions, and evaluate outcomes.

Grand theories:

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring proposes that caring is central to nursing and is an essential aspect of the nurse-patient relationship.
Rosemarie Rizzo Parse’s Man-Living-Health theory views health as a holistic, human experience and considers the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions of health.


Grand theories provide a comprehensive framework for nursing practice and can be used to guide the development of nursing education, research, and policies.

Middle-range theories:

Roy Adaptation Model views individuals as adaptive systems who respond to stimuli in their environment.
Orem’s Self-Care Deficit theory (discussed above in the context of needs theories) is also considered a middle-range theory.


Middle-range theories provide a more specific, practical framework for nursing practice, research, and education and can be used to guide patient care, develop interventions, and evaluate outcomes.

Practice theories:

Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit theory (discussed above in the context of needs and middle-range theories) is also considered a practice theory.
Roy’s Adaptation Model (discussed above in the context of middle-range theories) is also considered a practice theory.


Practice theories provide guidance for the delivery of nursing care, including assessment, intervention, and evaluation.

Conceptual models:

Roy’s Adaptation Model (discussed above in the context of middle-range and practice theories) is also considered a conceptual model.
Gordon’s 11 Functional Health Patterns provides a framework for nursing assessment, including patterns related to health perception/health management, nutrition, elimination, activity/exercise, sleep/rest, cognition/perception, self-perception/self-concept, role/relationship, sexuality, coping/stress tolerance, and values/beliefs.


Conceptual models provide a structure for nursing practice and research, helping to guide assessment, intervention, and evaluation.

Situational theories:

Peggy Chinn and Maeona Kramer’s Theory of Chronic Sorrow describes the ongoing emotional response of individuals who have experienced a chronic loss, such as a chronic illness.
Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model (discussed above in the context of middle-range, practice, and conceptual theories) is also considered a situational theory, as it can be applied to specific situations, such as chronic illness.


Situational theories provide guidance for nursing practice in specific circumstances, such as chronic illness, and can be used to develop interventions and evaluate outcomes in these contexts.